
Friday, June 10, 2011

letters (everything is optional)

My writing is like my life: abstract, intense and singular... And everything is optional…

nameless, breathless, restrained and imprisoned
…life is flowing by…
barb-wire of memory curls itself into other dimensions
… heartbeat pauses…
…lost in time…
teardrop in the ocean loses its sweet bitterness.
silence embraces darkness…
fragments of my soul sifts through your being
the light of my day on the tip of the sword
of the Angel of war.
…stripes of bleeding time…
….rubies in the sands…
bead by bead I bond them in the long chain
…haunting image…
gentle warmth of your hands holding mine
last touch, last look, last smile
and last breathe good bye…


  1. This one was interesting...

  2. The time thread remains mysterious to human conciousness. "Everything is Optional" is a strong title.
