
Monday, September 24, 2012

another day

another day

I invented this day,
I imagined you and me,
 in the middle of it,  by the shores,
 we walk west through the cold sand,
 pines darkening nearby,  wind whispers to the ocean,
waves rushing away,
low clouds ready to burst with tears…
and everything is so incredibly boring, dead.
the sunset
never drifts into the night, the waves stay frozen, still
 pines smell like paper
and we are just  shimmering shadows, somewhere
 between light and darkness.
nothing really matters, when you lived it all, remember it all
when the air, you breathe, condensed  and heavy
from the rituals and sacrificial fires
and your blood is as old as the soul of  a burned tree,
hovering over the forest. when your heart is as vacant
as an empty shell sunken in the sands where
pearls are asleep, curled up in embryos,  when you are roaming
somewhere… nowhere, between the clouds and grass
as if you are a feather in search of a bird, when you see
where your ashy bones, stripped of all memories, rest.
Death laughs from the fringes of my mind
 I’m busy inventing another day

c: Nina K Orlovskaya@9/24/2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

between the pages 7 and 8

dim moonlight breaks my window,

sifts through my skin.

the remnants of broken glass,

arrows of unspoken words,

dart in my veins:

heavier than iron

saltier than salt.

unfinished thoughts - mystery’s remnants.

broken sentences.

and a leaf dries

between the pages 7 and 8

c:Nina K Orlovskaya@9/20/2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


fairies collected colors  of my lashes:

green, yellow and blue,

 into separate bottles.

my eyes are pale as distilled water

and tasteless like rain.  don’t

untangle the kiss knotted on my lips

c: Nina K orlovskaya@9/19/2012

Monday, September 17, 2012



solemnly flying raven hoards it
between his feathers, 
snowflakes crow out of his beak:
 swirling,  falling down
on the yellowness
of the sleeping dog.

a trembling moon
 pillows beneath dog’s dreams
all day
 chilled mist chews darkness,
breathing huskily
in the anticipation
of  a slow moving blizzard.

the clear glass of a fishbowl
separates eyes from winter.
one icy breath,
one frozen world,
one delirious dream
between you and me.

c:Nina K Orlovskaya @9/17/2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

looking at the photo

(looking at the photo)

softly float
from darkness to the surface
and then again
sink into the night,
wither away with time,
in the past..

if time allows
and eyes meet with eyes,
the flow of time will stops.
but cruelty of time keeps eyes away.
the touch is cold and bloodless

c:NKO @9/16/2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

long night (моя неспокійная ніч)

long night

invisible, infected
by the lead-filled night.,
I’m ill, my friend, I’m ill….
it comes to me from darkness,
 flattens my bones      until
bone marrow drips.
I fear my friend, I fear….

the hollow moon howls,
like a wolf
trapped between my scull
and the gray ocean.
the black spiders  weave more darkness
into the night.
 the birds hide
silent,  frozen.
they are scared my friend, they are scared...

 faces invisible in the mirror,
 darkness has no reflection.

my restless night
counts itself by the moments,
by the drops of darkness
per square inch.
if only I can scream,
but it would roll at me,
injecting more silence in my veins,
concentrating my fear

c:Nina K Orlovskaya 9/10/2012

моя неспокійная ніч

невидима, свинцем налита ніч.
я хвора, друже мій, я хвора...
вона приходить з темноти
і випрямля мої кістки аж доки
кістковий мозок капає.
я боюсь мій друже  я боюсь....

порожнистий місяць виє
як  пійманий у пастку вовк
між черепом моїм  та сірим океаном,
чорні павуки вплітають
темряву у ніч.
 птиці поховались 
мовчазні мов позамерзали.
вони налякані.

обличчя невидимі у дзеркалі,
темрява не  відображається,

моя неспокійная ніч,
рахує себе хвилинами,
краплями темряви на квадратний міліметр.
якби я тільки могла закричати, але
вона накотиться на мене,
вколе ін'єкцію тиші в моїх вени.

c:NKO 9/10/2012 translation

Sunday, September 9, 2012



the pale moon is dying somewhere in agony
a slow death.
 the night bird chants from the darkness
like a medieval monk,
 touched by madness,
over the black death.
I taste it,
on my lips,
distant, a billion years old.
it tastes like iron in my mouth
corroding enamel.
mouthful of saw dust.

the pain condensed,
liquid salt rolls down

I’ll go blind, waiting for you.

 the moon still dying.
the sinister bird sings a requiem.
stars light up brighter, in preparation for death,
fools getting ready to be born.

I peer into the darkness
looking for you

c:Nina K Orlovskaya@ 9/9/2012 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

it was snowing (тихо подав сніг)

it was snowing

the frosty morning
painted flowers
with the silver brush
on the frozen windows.
and softly the snow fell

the bony tree
from the cold touch
of the gray sky.
and softly the snow fell

the cold wind howled
in a valley.
the river sweetly dreamed
under the white blanket.
and softly the snow fell

a sad moon was lost
between the clouds
the far horizon was wrapped
in  a dim haze.
somewhere creaked the lonely pine.
and softly the snow fell

c:Nina K Orlovskaya8/28/2012

тихо подав сніг

морозний ранок  квіти
срібним пензликом
по заморожених вікнах.
і тихо падав сніг

кістляве дерево тремтіло
від холодного дотику
сірого неба.
і тихо падав сніг

вітер застуджено вив
у долині 
під білою ковдрою ріка
і тихо падав сніг

місяць засмучений
заблудився між хмарами,
даль вповилася
у матове марево.
десь одиноко скрипіла сосна.
 та тихо падав сніг

c:Nina K Orlovskaya8/28/2012 translation

Saturday, September 1, 2012

forms (форми)


you and me, barefooted.
the grey gravel road
twisted like a snake around the lake.
the sharp stones chewed the soles of our feet
the red drops, wild flowers marched behind us.
you told me
that last night you swam among the white lilies.
 and the roots-tentacles entangled your legs,
dragged you to the marshy bottom,
where the mermaids rest.

the sunrise lost its color in your hair.
the shadow of a blue heron
flashed before our eyes
and melted in the indigo of the horizon.

the sky, so deep,
reflected in the mirror of the lake.
the morning, like a blue bird,
was disappearing somewhere:
whether into  the depth of the lake
or into the hollowness of the  sky.

...shadows, light, reflections...
all mixed up...

life breathed itself into the forms.

we walked barefooted
over the sharp stones
without fear
and without pain

c: Nina K Orlovskaya 8/31/2012 revised

ти і я, обоє босі,
та дорога,
висипана сірим гравієм,
змією скрутилася   навкруги озера
гостре каміння впивалося в наші п'яти.
червоні краплі, дикі квіти
багряніли слідом за нами.
ти розповідала мені
як вчорашньої ночі ти запливла серед білих лілій,
і ноги твої заплелися
в коріннях-щупальцях,
невидимими в каламутній воді.
як тягли вони тебе на болотяне дно
де русалки спочивають.

схід сонця загубив колір у твоєму волоссі. 
тінь блакитної чаплі промайнула перед нашими очима
та й зникла у синюю даль.

небо, таке глибоке,
відображалося у дзеркалі озера.
ранок, як синяя птаха, десь зникав.
чи то в глибині озера,
чи то вдалині неба.

... тінь, світло, відображення ...
все перемішалось...

життя вдихало себе у форми.

ми  йшли босоніж
по гострому камінні
але вже без страху та без болю

Ніна К O переклад8-31-2012