
Thursday, April 5, 2012

letters (I didn't come here for nothing.)

I didn’t come here for nothing.
the drum clashes its guts with rocks,
trembling echo settles deep in a cave
and indigo rains from the ceiling.

the chalk line bleeds
between the wall and my palms.
the charcoal casts a rhinoceros silhouette
from the shadows.
the tongues of fire
impatiently dance behind my back.

I raise a spear and send the blow of death
in the rhinos’ heart.

by the spell of crimson stripes, splashed drops
over my hands,
over the absence of my face.
I summon his life
for the service of mine
at this time the drums
beat louder, celebrating my victory
and softer when mourning his life.
I fall on my knees, face down,
the ashes over my hair, maggots over my flesh
and a snake nests in my ribcage.

I didn’t come here for nothing.
I can hear the drums once more,
echoed in your footsteps.
you’ll pick the charcoal from my phalanges.
you’ll hunt and will be hunted,
then you’ll drop to your knees
in the ashes,
and rest,
next to me…

©4/5/2012 by Nina K Orlovskaya


  1. Another piece of the post..wonderful and thought provoking read.j

  2. Thank you, John, for your kind words and your encouragement, it is always an inspiration to write more...
