
Thursday, March 31, 2011

fragments (I don't expect... I hope...)

On occasions, when I wake up, I feel that anything that looms into the day would be better than the present reality, even if I am thinking about a fatal car accident or a heart attack. Of course, with presumption, it stays this way, fatal. From my past experiences I know, I hit the bottom of the abyss, I was descending for a while.
There is no uniqueness to my experiences; it is familiar to every person. Although, every one of us has an individual twist to it. For it is a known fact, our brains are like fingerprints, no two alike!
My twist is in the clear understanding of the reality of the bottom and the importance of immediate action to initiate the ascend.
All our feelings in the purest form are just energy, light and subjective; it travels in a wave, and behaves like a wave with different amplitudes and frequencies. And only at the peaks the energy transforms into particles, heavy and objective; it brakes and reverses direction of the flow.
Naturally, any time we end up in those objective points we have a tendency to make the same mistake over and over again; we try to prolong the phase because it is more familiar and tangible. When we reach the heights of happiness we grab on to everything and anything to stay there. When we hit the bottom of our low, we try to take a rest after all the negativity (human interpretation) of descend. We fight, we protest despite the knowledge of past experiences.
The purpose and point of my thought is, never linger on those peaks, let it go at moment you recognize it. At least I do it all the time and it makes me be where I am and what I am. And I can live with it comfortably!

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