
Friday, November 11, 2011


pain isn’t a feeling but misery,
luxury when all feelings are gone.
I beat myself into a pulp
against the wall…
never seen, never felt.
layers of polished quartz
byproduct of imagination.

may it all go to hell…

apocalypse is not applicable
due to its statistical rarity.

© 2011 by Nina K Orlovskaya


  1. Thanks John, for visiting and for comment...

  2. This is so deep that I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around it. Is a life without feelings, a life in which misery becomes a luxury, is that really living or simply existing?

  3. Very deep and tugs at the heartstrings. I feel the pain

  4. Thanks John, Benjamin and Naomi. Sometimes I get just tired of senseless writing, and I say to myself this is stupid, this is enough, I am done, time to put it all in a bonfire. And at the morning I see a friend post, a tag, a simple “like’ not and I am back to writing and happy again.
    About the poem. Real deep feelings, no matter now positive they are, would cause pain just by its intensity. Prolong pain would cause misery. There is a choice would I let myself to cross the forbidden zone of comfort and feel even it will kill me. Happiness is great; one thing to remember it shrinks the world. Misery –expend it. If there is a choice there is no questions but if there is not, misery could be just an existence or an opportunity for transformation.

  5. I needs more coffee to add thoughtful insight. Great post Nina. I admire writers who post poems.


  6. I think I get what you mean by pain being a luxury. So many people don't have time to indulge in self-pity or pain b/c they're just trying to survive. At least that's my take on it. I just remember when my pain gets too much, there are people who have it far worse.

  7. Sorry to hear about your pain, Kelli. As a former RN I was exposed much to the other people pain and truly it is misery but then when I saw that person peacefully dead a few hours later I always felt that almost every one of them would take more days and even perhaps years of pain and misery of life versus opposite… I would…. And yes, there is someone who has worse...
