
Monday, July 23, 2012

invitation (short children's story, draft)


For a thousand of years no one ever bother Aigo, maybe even more than that. Math was always Aigo’s weakness. Of course he can count … to 10. And what is the purpose of more, just a repetition. He knows how to add; he never learned how to subtract. And his mama used to say “ Son, don’t worry, as long as you know how to add, your world will rotate in right direction”. Aigo didn’t know which the right direction for the word to rotate was. Every morning, since that conversation, he would go outside and check the Oak tree, where his friend Tallo lives, and if the tree was on his left side, the world was rotating into the right direction. Consequently, Aigo’s life was all right.
For ‘thousand of years’ no one ever bother Aigo. He did have friends and neighbors, but in his world no one ever visited anybody’s house, or apartment, or hole, or any other pace of residency. It was considered inappropriate. And it made sense. For a moment Aigo imagined himself counting every single thing in his house after each visit. It would be nightmare. Yeah, he inherited and accumulated a lot of stuff. As a matter of fact, there was so much ‘stuff’ that he did not remember when was the last time he could place his feet on the floor. Always something was on his way. In Goblin’s world nothing goes into the garbage, everything is saved and treasured.
Very often Aigo would think that it is time for him to move out of this crummy place somewhere, where is warm and sunny and start his life from the beginning. But the idea of moving out for Aigo, like for any other Goblin, was painful even to think about, since the time when they were expelled from the human world.( Many years ago goblins were expelled from the human domain and prohibited to return, unless invited. But it was so long, humans all forget about the Goblins existence. )
Aigo believes, when he will retire, he’ll move to the meadow, closer to the sunlight and maybe write his memoir to shed some light into his ancient soul that is hidden in a secret place.
At this time his life was placid, comfortable and no one ever disturbed him. His mama used to say “Aigo, one day, something will hit you, if not lightning than meteor or rotten tree. We stay for too long in one spot, always be ready for that moment, son”. Aigo believed his mother, but thousand years is a thousand years, he started to doubt her wisdom.
While he was pounding these philosophical concepts, someone knocked on his door, first time lightly, second time louder. If one would think that Aigo was shocked, it would be huge underestimate. He felt as if he was stroked by lightening and stung by a family of angry bees. He knew it was not a hallucination.
He slowly opened the door: all the locks, combinations and chains. First thing he checked if the Oak tree was to his left. It was! The mailman was standing by his door; he held a letter in his hands.
“Aigo MigGoblin?” mailman asked.
Mig was his Aigo’s middle name. Yes, he was shorter than any Goblin alive. Aigo didn’t like his middle name, but it was not a good time to debate. Remember, the door was open. Anyone can sneak behind his back. Trust isn’t a word in the Goblin’s dictionary.
“Yes, this is me.”
“Your signature, please.”
Aigo scribbled his name on the bottom of the long list and took the letter from the mailman’s hands.
“It was quite a trip to locate you.” Concluded mailman and walked away.
Aigo latched all the locks on the door, sat in his favorite chair by the fireplace, scratched his head behind his ears “ Wow” he thought “so many years nothing and suddenly one day you get a knock on the door and a letter.”
Aigo sniffed the letter, chewed on the corner and concluded that a human wrote it. Carefully he opened the envelope and pulled out the letter. The letter was short.
It read. ‘Hey, MigGoblin, my friend Nick and I invite you to move with us. We have a little room for you and we can have another roommate, we can use extra money. Since the room is really little we need a little person and we thought that it would be nice to have a Goblin roommate. And we hope to see you soon.
Sincerely, Nick and Mike.
Nick was watching TV. Mike was pulling two beers from the refrigerator, when the doorbell rang loud and nonstop.
“Mike, open the door! Oh, I have such a headache! Mike, open the door!” yelled Nick from the other room.
Mike run to the door, still holding the beers in his right hand. The doorbell rand insanely. He opened the door… both bottles slipped out of his hand and fell on the floor with loud thud. His eyes bulged out of his skull, his lover jaw dropped to his chest, his breath ceased somewhere at the bottom of his lungs and he began to feel faint.
Aigo was smiling; he liked his new lifelong friend Mike.
c:NKO 2012 draft

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